intel iShare
Information sharing and preserving system.
The task was to create a portal that will encourage sharing information and eliminate the use of emails as a knowledge base in the factory.
User Needs
The users were divided by ranks (Techs of different levels and Engineers) and groups, They all needed to be able to quickly access information for different events and see lessons learned from them. This was critical to prevent downtime or even injury. There was a vast amount of information stored in Emails and presentations that was very hard to access on demand.
The Process
The interviewing process in this project was very thorough, I interviewed employees in 12 different positions. Each of them provided some insight about the workflow in the production floor and outside, in the offices. I created personas which helped me validate my design choices, and make sure the final product catered to all of them.
The Concept
I created a collaboration system that builds on existing qualification processes in the company. Using a standard (MBPS) template that was common to all user types. The Portal made accessing information easy, and allowed admins to highlight important items. I added a Gamification aspect to the portal, encouraging users to collect points for sharing useful information, commenting and advancing problem solving. This was done in coordination with management and also carried real life benefits.
The result improved communications between the groups and ranks, and shined a light on individual contributors from all ranks.

This interactive form allows users to collaborate on tackling and solving an issue, through preset stages. The form acts as a "living stage" for the team and anyone involved, and documents all edits for later viewing while displaying the final results in a clear way.